The Journey Begins

Hello, hello my creative friends, and welcome to my very first blog!!

I have been meaning to create a blog for a very long time but I guess I had never found a subject I was so much passionate about to actually find, no I should say, make the time to write about it.

And what is this subject? I hear you ask. Well it’s surface pattern design (SPD)!! Now I don’t know if you stumbled upon my blog by chance while looking for something else and you have no idea what SPD is, in that case in a nutshell, SPD covers the designing of patterns for… well everything. From fabric to paper goods to phone cases and much much more!

I discovered, or I should say, re-discovered, SPD only around last April; I signed up for Skillshare and through that I found some courses on SPD and it was like a door opened to a fantastic and magical world!! A world of colours and patterns and fairies and rainbows…. OK I’m getting carried away but you know what I mean. I had found my true passion, that was what I wanted to do when I grew up!

So I decided to look for SPD groups on FB and lo and behold I found some fantastic groups! One of those was Anne’s art club (

Anne LaFollette is a very talented surface pattern designer who offers, every now and then during the year, a free workshop on starting in the business of surface pattern design. The workshop ACTUALLY teaches you interesting and useful stuff and at the end of it you can create your very first pattern! Something like the ones depicted below.

During the workshop I realised that YES I could use Adobe Illustrator (I didn't even know the existence of it before) and YES I could become a surface pattern designer; so I decided to sign up for the Pattern Design Academy.

That was an 8 week course and I learned so much! We started from the very beginning all the way to complex patterns. The pattern below is an example of what I learned to do during the course. By the way if you would like to have a look at Anne's website the link is:

As of the time of writing this she was offering another 8 week course and the link above will take you to the sign up page.

I love SPD so much that it gets me out of bed at 5 am in the morning with an excitement to go and create new patterns, new artwork and sketches!

The ideas just keep on coming and I don't have enough time in a day. Did I mention that I also work full time? Well I do...for now ;-)

So I have decided to write this blog as an account of my journey to become a surface pattern designer and to help other people do the same thing. I will post tip and trick that I learn along the way and if you want to contact me please do so. I consider myself still a beginner going to intermediate so I might not have all the answers but I will surely do my best to find the answer if I don't know it yet.

Why don't you start this journey with me?

Till next time

Create and be happy!

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