Hello, hello my creative friends!
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you might have noticed that I haven’t been very present on social media, especially in the past couple of weeks. This is because I have been organizing an international move back to my beloved Sicily 😊
For those of you who subscribe to my newsletter this will come as no surprise as I had mentioned the big life change I was about to make, but for everyone else who doesn’t know yet, I have finally left my day job as a scientist (in the UK) and decided to dedicate myself completely to building my business as a surface pattern designer and illustrator (back home in Sicily).
I have planned this move and saved some money but it’s still kind of scary. Well, it’s very scary to be honest. But at the same time it’s really exciting and so many ideas are fighting in my head to get my attention first!
One of the 5 kittens. Isn’t he sooooo cute!?
At the moment though, I have decided to take a holiday because I haven’t really had a break since December, but at the same time I find I’m almost forcing myself not do anything and relax; I keep thinking I should start working and planning…. Does that happen to you? Do you feel like you really need a break and then you can’t really stop working?
Agapanthus in my garden
I know how important it is to recharge your batteries, so to give my brain a break I’ve been doing other things like weeding and gardening and reading a book… and of course playing with my cat and her 5 kittens! I don’t think there’s anything cuter than a kitten or a puppy right?
I’m also still waiting for the rest of my belongings to arrive in Sicily which include most of my art materials, books, etc; so for now I’ll be just checking social media every now and then and maybe posting some pictures and, hopefully, when everything else gets here and my new studio is set up (probably in a corner of my bedroom), I’ll be recharged and ready to start again!
What about you? Are you taking a holiday right now? I know it’s difficult at the moment to travel with this virus situation, but maybe you’re taking a “stay_home_cation”?
Do let me know in the comments what ways are you coming up with to use your time off without traveling abroad :-)
Till next time
Create and be Happy! xox