If I say Low Content Book you might know exactly what I'm talking about, however there’s a good chance that you’ve never heard of it. I only discovered the existence of low content books last year for example.
For those of you who have heard the term now for the first time, a low content book is a book that contains very little to no text. Examples are:
Note Books
Guest Books
Specialised Sketchbooks
These books are published on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
When I discovered the existence of low content books, the idea of publishing one appealed to me so much that I started straight away researching and studying how to go about creating and publishing these books.
Some of the books I have published
The best thing about creating these books is that you don’t need any fancy software; I have used In Design, but you can use Power Point or even Words for the interior and you can use Adobe Illustrator for the cover, but Amazon offers a Cover Creator page so you don’t need to have a specific program installed on your computer.
So why bother making and publishing low content books? Well, it’s really fun for one thing. But it can also be a source of passive income. Once you’ve published the book, in fact, it will be available on Amazon and people can just keep on ordering it, you don’t have to do anything else!
Another positive factor is that you don’t need to keep an inventory. Amazon will print and ship the books for you and you don’t have to fill your spare room with boxes of books waiting to be shipped.
Of course, on the flip side, you can’t package the book as you would like and you have little choice of paper types, in fact, you can only choose between white or cream paper and if you want a glossy of matte cover.
Having said that, the paper quality is not bad, I have tried some of the notebooks I’ve published and only markers tend to bleed a bit.
The cover of my new planner
I love using KDP because I can create a book just as I like it if I cannot find it for sale already. For example, last year I created a Visual Journal for Botanical Artists. This was a notebook especially made for botanical artists with spaces to record the plant species, genus and family, plus it had a space for sketching. I also made log books especially for surface pattern designers; this year I created a planner specifically for creative people who run (or are thinking of starting up) a small creative business. These were all books that were not available already, books that I made for a specific use.
So you see, with low content books the possibilities are endless!
If you’d like to see some of the books I’ve published for reference click HERE.
If you are curious about the subject, I have written a guide on how to publish your first low content book which takes you step by step on what to do to make and publish the book. But of course, I couldn’t include the actual process for making the interior and cover of the book, so if you’d like help with that, I also have a Skillshare class on this very subject called “How To Self-Publish A Low Or No Content Book On Amazon KDP For Beginners” (if you don’t have a Skillshare membership this link will give you 2 months free premium membership).
So tell me, have you published a low content book already? How did you find the process? Or if you’ve never published a low content book, would you like to try?
Let me know in the comments
Till next time
Create and be happy!